Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What completes you?

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. I have been real busy lately and I wonder where the time goes. It seems like the more technology we have to simplify our life, the less free time we have. What's up with that? But I digress...

So I've been watching a lot of the things that are going on with Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens. It is truly telling when stories involving steroids in baseball can lead the evening news at a time when our country is struggling to recover its financial identity. As I watched Alex Rodriguez last night, I noticed something truly remarkable about him. He appeared incapable of separating his real life from his baseball life. He seemed as if he was incapable of defining who he is. I watched as he continually talked about letting the fans down and letting baseball down. The first thought that ran into my mind was, "What about God? Do you think you let Him down?" Now, I'm not trying to call into question anything about Rodriguez' salvation situation because I don't know him from Pacman Jones. But I do believe that he only recognizes himself when he puts on that uniform, and he doesn't really know who he is underneath. We allow society to push identities on us that don't really fit us and they certainly don't define who we really are, but over time, we allow them to change us to fit those other identities. I've been listening to some of Ergun Caner's sermons to Liberty Seminary's Campus Church, and he talked about how his wife is a part of who he is, but she does not complete him or define him. He said that only Jesus can complete him, and truly define him. I thought about that as I watched Rodriguez' interview. I thought to myself, How sad! This man blamed all his problems on the money that he was given and how it just created so much pressure on his life. He allowed $252 million to fool him into sacrificing his integrity, his talent, and his body in hopes that it would help him find peace. He thought that this money could complete him and fulfill all of his needs for the rest of the life. All he needs to do is ask Deion Sanders how far that money will take you. Right over the edge and a moment away from ending your own life. He has had it all: a dream job, a beautiful wife, and all the money he could ever need, and none of it has brought him happiness. In fact, his wife has left him, and will take most of his money, his sport will very likely turn their back on him like a pariah, and he'll still be looking for something to fulfill him.

I'm not trying to critcize this man for his mistakes. We all make mistakes if we'll be honest about it. But I do think that it is important to note that there is nothing in this world that can make us happy apart from Jesus Christ. You can have money, fast cars, big houses and rich friends all over the world, but when you make a bad decision, how many of them will be there to comfort you and pick you up? But Christ will always be there, waiting on you to turn your eyes to Him. He know what we're going through, He knows how we mess things up, and he knows how we will make a lot of the same stupid mistakes again and again, yet He loves us anyway.

You know, I've seen people lining up on TV and radio, just waiting to kick this young man while he's down. I only hope that someone like Deion or Ray Lewis will reach out to this young man and show him that these things don't matter. I have seen great men fall, men of God who I thought could do no wrong, and I realized that they are only human. I hope that people will not rush to judge him, but rather rush to lift him up. Remember, Judge not, lest ye be judged.

I know that allowing ourselves to be clay in the Lord's hands isn't always easy. We think we know what direction He wants us to go, and we want it to coincide with our will. We try to pretend like things are so great in our lives and that we are always letting God be in charge. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes like to try to find those things that will make me happy and complete me. I allow little gods to come into my life that will pull me away from Him. But He always shows his love and patience with me and pulls me back in. Sometimes He does it in a gentle way, and then other times He has to smack me in the head with a big stick. He has to say, "Hey Dummy! You're not in charge here. I am, and you belong to me." It's not always easy and I sometimes wish that he would just throw me off the cliff, instead of giving me the discipline that I know I need. But each time, I always feel stronger and better about the situation, and feel like I am getting a little closer to God through that experience.
Until next time, remember this: Christ still cares and He will always love.