Monday, March 9, 2009

Long time, no blog

Man, has life been too busy lately. It's been a long time and I still don't know what to say, but I figured I need to check in. We've been so busy with my weight loss plan (which is only going okay), and Bible studies and Upward basketball and preaching and I could go on, but there's no point in complaining. Life has been really good. Saturday was so wonderful. I took my beautiful wife to the golf course on Saturday. We've been leading a Fireproof Your Marriage small group at church, and going through the Love Dare book. I've really enjoyed the study, and it has made me appreciate the relationship that we have. I hope that I can grow to be a better husband and we can grow to be a lot closer through this study. One of the bonuses is that we have gotten an opportunity to meet some new couples in our church and make new friends. It's tough to have a lot of friends when you don't have children, because everyone else is so busy living and dying by their children's ball & school activities, and you're left on the outside looking in, wishing that you had children you could take to these kinds of things.
So anyway, we've been really working at this Love Dare book and it's funny how much we think alike. One night we were supposed to do something simple but nice for our spouse. We try to fix each other's plates for for dinner one night, and we bought each other books from Lifeway and Family Christian stores. She baked me chocolate oatmeal cookies last week, and I'll be honest, nothing that I can do would ever be better than that. I may be trying to lose weight, but I'll eat those cookies and try to walk a little further. Hopefully that'll help (Yeah, right!).
So anyway, back to the golf thing. Amanda's been mentioning that she wouldn't mind trying to go golfing with me, and I wasn't so sure about that. I know that a lot of spouses get into bad arguments when the wife tries to take up a hobby that her husband enjoys, and they end up nearly killing each other. But I prayed about it and thought, You know, it would be pretty cool to be able to go golfing with my wife. I'll try not to be too pushy, and who knows, maybe I'll learn some patience in the process. Well, yeah, I had to learn some patience. She only made contact abut once in every 10 swings, and when she did, she didn't hit it more than about 20 feet. I tried not to laugh at her too much, but I think she did learn a little bit. It'll just take some time. She told me that she really enjoyed spending the day out there and that we would do it again in a few weeks. I promised to try to get her a lesson or something, and maybe that'll help her game. It was just so nice to spend some together, and not have to worry about anything, but just enjoy the beautiful day. We have been so blessed.
Well, it's time that I actually try to do some work. Until next time.