Monday, January 5, 2009

A look back on the year that was.

Well, this is something new for me. I have heard so much about blogging and have been encouraged by a lot of my friends to try my own blog. I wasn't so sure if this was my thing, but we'll give it a shot and see. As I look back on 2008, I hate to say that I am glad to be past a year because we don't know how many we'll be given. But, this was truly one of the most difficult years of my life and definitely the toughest of our eight years of marriage. We had to make a tough decision to begin the year with Amanda's hysterectomy, and it was one that grieved us greatly. We were so completely devastated by that, but I would rather give up having children than give up living with my beautiful wife. She is so strong and such a good Godly woman. I couldn't ask for a better wife. I know that if God wants us to have children, He will provide a way. We were able to get through that, though, because of the love of good Christian church and family members. I am so thankful for the folks of Maranatha and Pleasant Hill Baptist Churches. They have been so supportive of us and kept us in their prayers, and we couldn't have made it without them. If anyone ever asks how I know God is real, I can always point to this situation and show where He was there for us.

We were also dealing with a church without a pastor. This was the first time that I had ever been at a church as an adult that didn't have a pastor. When I accepted the youth pastor at Maranatha in June of 2007, I never imagined that four months later, my pastor and friend would be stepping down due to disagreements in the direction of the church. That was a tough thing for us to deal with, and left us unsure of what our next move should be. God kept us there, though, and we grew so much through this trial, as well. I gained so much insight into the workings of a church and how much work goes into being a pastor. Finding a new pastor was a grueling process, but it proved to be a rewarding process, as I gained a new friend in our new pastor, and someone who I can go to with questions and concerns. Unfortunately, though, we have left this church because I felt God was leading me in a different direction in my ministry. That was a very tough decision for us. Even though we had only been at this church for about a year, I felt like God had other plans, and that He was through with us at Maranatha. I tried to resist and stay, but the more I resisted, the more I could see the direction he had intended for us. I had gone to the same church for most of my 35 years, but now we're changing churches again that was a little tough for me. It was a taste of life as a pastor and preacher, and I know that it will make us stronger in the long run.

Then the Lord led us to a new church, and it was the last place I ever expected us to land. One of my wife's co-workers invited us to the First Baptist Church in Fayetteville. Now, being raised in a country church where everyone is family, you just don't wind up at First Baptist churches. But, we went and were so blown away by the love and warmth that we were showed. The people made us feel right at home and God showed us that this was the place He wanted us to serve. I believe that God is going to grow us this next year in ways that we've never seen, but I'll save that for my next blog.

Our year has ended on several sad notes though, as we've been touched by death to some good friends and church members, and that is somehting that we don't expect at Christmas, but this year we were hit especially hard. There is comfort in knowing that the friends we lost are now with Christ in Heaven, but it is sad to know that they will not be here to make us laugh and smile in the next year. But, I know that God is in charge and He will help the friends and families of these loved ones to carry on, and we will be stronger for the influence they had on our lives.

I don't want anyone to think that I am whining and complaining, for I am truly grateful. I have been blessed with good parents and a wonderful wife, a house to live in and more stuff than I deserve. I am so grateful that God chose to use me as one of His humble servants, and I hope that He will continue to use me in the coming years. I know that this will be a better year, and life is going to be full of interesting adventures and new experiences that I can't wait to see. Here's to a great 2009!

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