Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Church Camp - Heart Attack Inducer (or at least stress-level increaser)

I know, I know, my blogging has been sporadic at best and lethargic at worst, but there is just so much going on in my life that I don't even know where to start. Between church(which is going just fine, thank you very much) and golf (which is not, but that's another story for another day), and a dozen things in between, I hardly have time to think, much less sit down and write something the least bit relevant. We've been doing a little traveling (to Nashville to see Skillet & Disciple in concert) and working with the church (leading a grief share for our church and working with the kids in Awana) and occasionally finding some time to do some work around the house. It is amazing how little time we actually have, and we don't even have kids. I don't see how people do it. We are truly too fast-paced in today's life and need to slow down a lot. But, as my favorite history teacher used to say, "No rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need any!"
Well, now summer is almost here and things will begin to kick into high gear. My good friend and golf partner, Jason Ramsey, has talked Amanda and myself into assisting him with church camp this year. I know, I know, you probably think we're crazy for wanting to spend a week with 120 teenagers eating bad camp food and sleeping on sunken-in bunk beds, but I truly think that it is one of the most fun things to do in the summer time. "And besides", he said, "we're going to the beach this year." Well, that just sealed the deal for Amanda, and we jumped right in. I mean, putting up with disrespectful, whiny church kids is worth it as long as you get to go enjoy the beach, right?
So, Jason and I have been excited and talking about plans for camp over Friday morning breakfast for the past couple months, figuring out ways to torture kids and adults all at the same time with Stryper and Stellar Kart and Skillet (don't you just love headbanging preachers and youth workers?). After the nightmare that was church camp last year, Jason was so thankful that things were going as smoothly as they were and just waiting on the other shoe to drop. I kept trying to reassure him that everything was going to be fine, and he should just quit worrying. Wow, that' scary, me trying to tell someone not to worry.
Well, two weeks ago, the other shoe dropped. Jason got a phone call from the leasing agent at our camp in Gulf Shores, saying that there had been a double booking for the week we were to be there, and we were the second group to book. So, exactly 8 weeks before church camp, we were now without a place to go! I'm not gonna lie to you, my heart sank. When I told Amanda, you would've thought I just told her that she needs to lose weight before we go to the beach ( which she doesn't by the way!). So, a weekend was spent praying and searching, hoping to find a miracle that would save camp. I'll be honest. At this point, I didn't even care about the beach at this point anymore. I was concerned about the kids, because I know camp is the highlight of the summer for alot of these kids. I also know how so many kids come to know Christ at camp and many more rededicate their lives and get on fire for God at this camp every year. That was the part that I was truly looking forward to, in hopes that it would get me fired up and wanting to work with kids again. I love the challenge and really need it. It keeps me focused and doing the things that God wants me to do.
On Monday, 3 days after we've learned we're out of a place for camp, the Lord answered our prayers. Jason sent me an email that said a new place had been found for the same week, and we would still be going to the Gulf for camp. Mrs. Lynn Knight had found a place in Elberta, AL called Camp Baldwin, and it was open for our particular week. Jason sent me a link to it, and I honestly had to go get a towel to clean the drool off my keyboard. This place was so much better than the place we had planned and a thousand times better than the camp in Tishomingo. The camp is owned and operated by the Baldwin Baptist Association and is designed specifically for church camps and retreats. It turned out they had room for 150 people, which is about how many we were going to be taking anyway, and they would even provide all the meals for us. This came as a great relief to my lovely wife, who had volunteered to be on the kitchen staff, (not to mention to all those kids, because they won't have to worry about her burning their biscuits or anything else now!). Not only that, but Elberta is 15 minutes from the beach, so we are going to be taking a road trip to the beach on Wednesday afternoon. I could hear a 300-lb. man scream from Nashville to Huntsville when he found this place.
As I was talking to one of the men in our church Monday night at the associational brotherhood meeting, I realized just how much God's hand was in all of this. There are no coincidences with God, and we always tend to sell Him short. We worry about everything and take so much for granted. He knew where He wanted us to be all along, and He knows what kind of great works will be accomplished through this camp. I am so ashamed that I don't honor Him better, but so thankful for every little miracle He allows me to witness. I can't wait to see what this camp holds in store for us, and see what blessing will pour out into Wolf Bay, and then back into Lincoln County. As a good friend said Monday night, God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

1 comment:

  1. Any time a Faye Bradford quote gets used, it's a good thing!

    Good luck with the kids at the beach. Just do NOT let Jason get into a Speedo. Oh, and your wife is not a bad cook. Nope. Not at all. Not a bit. (Did I sound convincing enough?)

